Tag Archives: leveled readers

Comfort Really Does Matter

Two nights over the Thanksgiving holiday my husband, Franklin, and I slept on a concrete floor.  I’d actually asked for the space we slept in as it was the coolest part of my sister and brother-in-law’s home.  I’d been under the weather and seemed to cough more when I was too warm.  We were actually quite comfortable with camping pads and a pile of quilts.  Our sleeping arrangements gave me pause to think about comfort before drifting off to sleep because Comfort Really Does Matter.


Certainly our perception of “comfort” is relative.  While the Kim Kardashians of the world might baulk at my Wal-Mart jeans and Target leggings, I’ve always had a roof over my head, 3 meals a day, and a closet full of clothes to choose from.  From my perch atop my lap of luxury I certainly have a hard time imagining “comfortable” in the life of one of the 3 billion people in the world who live on $2.50 or less a day.

In many other ways I have a life of “comfort”.  Over Thanksgiving I was blessed to have my children, my mom, all of my siblings, their spouses, and their children together for 4 days.  I enjoyed my first snow of the year (a beautiful, soft Colorado snow) from a warm window seat and certainly enjoyed my time with my extended family!

I’ve pondered “comfort” in another context quite a bit this fall in Community Bible Study.  We’ve been camped in 1 John for a while and have been considering what the directive “abide in The Lord” might really look like in our lives.  One of the definitions, the idea that when we “abide in The Lord” we’re comfortable with the things and the way of The Lord, has really had me thinking.

Grandmother Billie is a beautiful example of being comfortable with the ways and the things of The Lord.  Billie, our oldest’s great-grandmother, loves her time with Bailey.  Bailey will share about his life and her comments are sprinkled with, “Praise The Lord!”, “Thank You, Jesus!”, and “Lord, You are good!” exclamations.

She’s comfortable in the ways of The Lord and would likewise be very uncomfortable sitting with us if we were listening to, watching, or engaging in things that are contrary to The Lord’s ways.

We were challenged to pick a day and imagine Jesus physically sitting with us, working beside us, and eating with us – never leaving our side for an entire day.  While God’s Holy Spirit is with us in this way, every day, we often negate His presence in our busy, me-centered lives.  This challenge really gave me food for thought.

Do we live in such a way that Jesus would be comfortable being with us from sunup to sundown?  Would our morning routine make Him comfortable?  Would the programming (TV, playlists, radio, facebook) we choose to watch and listen to make Him comfortable? Would my interactions with my children, my response to frustrations throughout the day, my conversations with friends, and my attitude toward my husband make Him comfortable?  Would He be comfortable with how I choose to spend my time?

What a beautiful season we’ve entered.  As we marvel in the birth of Jesus Christ and wait, expectantly, for His second coming, I’m challenged to focus on The Lord; His presence in my life, His ways, and His mind.  He’s asking me to value Him above all the craziness in the world and the traps of craziness in this season.  He’s calling me to be content with what I have, because what I have is amazing!  I have the perfect Father (who is good and right and just) and salvation through the birth, death, and resurrection of His son, Jesus Christ who continually intercedes for me.  What more could I ask for?

Before you leave the site, follow my blog (top, right of this post).  It’s quick and easy! 

For more from Marea, check out Me and Thee Studios’ faith based leveled readers for 1st-2nd graders at http://www.meandtheestudios.com/early-reader-collection.html

Sisters Really Do Matter

Two of our nieces spent some time with us a couple weeks ago.  Naomi and Hannah are the youngest two of my twin brother’s four children.  The eldest of the four is the only boy.  Elizabeth is second in line and the oldest girl. 

My sister-in-law shared, when she brought them to me, that Naomi was a little nervous about their trip away from the rest of the family.  Naomi’s apprehension was not as much about being away from her parents as it was that she would not, for the first time in her life, be with Elizabeth.

Naomi was the first to cry and as Alison expected it was because Naomi wanted Beth.  Elizabeth is 11.  She is a loving, kind playmate and helper for her little sisters.  The girls share a room and bedtime was just not the same.  It wasn’t long before Hannah joined in.  It was certainly very obvious to me that Sisters Really Do Matter.


Unlike my niece Elizabeth, I was not a great big sister.  I was five years older and my sisters were twins.  I remember being kind to them when I was much younger but by the time I was 10 I was “too cool” for little tag-alongs.   If I could have a “do over” I would certainly be more generous with my time and attention.

The Lord has been very good to my twin sisters and me.  He restored our relationships and I, for the last 15 years at least, have considered my sisters (the two I was raised with and my sister-in-law) to be some of my very best friends.  I value their opinions and advice and I know they truly love me and hope the very best for my family.  I know they’re praying for me and can be trusted as confidants.

Our only daughter is smack dab in-between our boys who are 10 years apart in age.  In reality, they all function as only children.  Emma has rarely had to share her things, has never had to share her space, and has had little responsibility in helping with younger siblings.  

Praise The Lord for sisters in Christ!  I pray that she (we all) finds women who will love her (us) enough to truly walk with us as “sisters”.  I’m fortunate to have many women who “do life” with me; younger women who allow me to share my experience, women walking very similar paths with me who cry with me and support me in my struggles, and older women who’ve raised children, served in ministry, and (or) have years of business experience who share their successes and failures so freely to encourage me.

If you don’t have “sisters”, I encourage you to intentionally seek out Christian women who will love, encourage, and strengthen you – as iron sharpens iron.  The kind of “sisters” I hope we surround ourselves with will speak the truth in love, even if it stings for a moment, because they truly want to be invested in our lives and want The Lord’s best for us!  

Looking to connect with “sisters”?  Check out local Bible studies, community service organizations, and small groups at church.  Don’t shy away, carve out some time, introduce yourself, be open, honest, and interested and see what becomes of a genuine “hello!”

Before you leave the site, follow my blog (top, right of this post).  It’s quick and easy! 

For more from Marea, check out Me and Thee Studios’ faith based leveled readers for 1st-2nd graders at http://www.meandtheestudios.com/early-reader-collection.html