Category Archives: Home Based Business

Dumping Debt Really Does Matter

My husband and I have led Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University in our community for 11 years.  I’m not exaggerating when I say that I’ve taken FPU more than 20 times.  We joke that we “drank Dave’s kool-aid” long ago and we thank Dave for teaching us much about personal finances.

Many in our hometown know we lead FPU and as a result, I’ve been asked on several occasions to sit down and visit with friends and acquaintances about finances.  Many men and women who’ve shared their struggles come to mind.

The majority were deep in debt (and we were too when we began this journey in 2004).  Some of those we’ve counseled were ready to change.  Debt was no longer going to control them and they attacked the debt (and their behavior) with ferocity!  Those are the ones who’ve scaled the wall and have, as a result, been able to declare, “I’m debt free”!  It wasn’t easy, not for a single person who’s clawed his/her way out of debt, but for those who’ve done it,  Dumping Debt Really Does Matter.

dumping debt

The others are the ones I think about most often.  Their situations break my heart and I continue to pray for them.  They heard the lessons and many received 1 on 1 support but they weren’t ready to battle.

Choosing to attack debt is a difficult decision.

If you choose to attack your debt, your friends (and possibly your family) will think you’re weird.  You’ll choose to drive a vehicle that is 10 years old and sell the “toys”.  You’ll choose to wear clothes from consignment shops and eat out very rarely.  You’ll choose staycations and Netflix.  You’ll choose hamburgers to steaks and fixer-uppers to granite.  You’ll choose extra, part-time jobs to television marathons.

The beautiful thing about this difficult decision is that the tough choices I mention above will only last for a season.  When you’re out of debt, which typically takes 18 months to 4 years with “gazelle intensity,” you can readjust your standard of living, based on your income, and enjoy a freedom you can’t experience when you’re deep in debt.

Without the $500-$1500+ a month you might be paying in “debt payments” you’ll have some freedom to change careers, open a business, institute “steak Sunday” or “whatever Wednesday”, work for a non-profit, participate in missions around the world, step back to part-time, quit working to home school, etc.  Get rid of your debt and the list is as long as your passions and income can imagine.

The Bible has a lot to say about money.  In fact, if you were to search for the words money, gold, silver, finances, borrow, debt, lend, buy, sell, tithe, wage, wealth, riches, greed, poor, and talent more than 1,300 verses would be found.   The most significant to me when we began this journey was Proverbs 22:7.  The NIV reads, “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender.”

We can apply this to our lives in a very concrete way by saying, “I owe money to … and until I no longer owe them a penny I am freely relinquishing my authority over my finances to them.”  Are you willing to relinquish authority over your finances to CapitalOne, Discover, Bank Americard, JC Penny, Bealls, Sears, Lowes, Wal-Mart, Home Depot, Citi, or Chase?  Do they “care” about your family, your walk with God, your children’s college fund, your grandchildren, your health, or your retirement?  I’m sure they would say they do… to each of their 5,000,000 customers.

Dare to do it, my friend!  Dare to be weird!  Make those tough decisions today so your tomorrows are filled with freedom!  I might as well quote Dave one more time; “Live like no one else, so later you can live like no one else!”

Before you leave the site, follow my blog (top, right of this post).  It’s quick and easy! 

For more from Marea, check out Me and Thee Studios’ faith based leveled readers for 1st-2nd graders at

A Gentle Spirit Really Does Matter

We very explicitly advertise on our signage that our leveled readers are “faith-based”.  Several of my conversations about the descriptor “faith-based” have been eye-opening.  Not long ago I was at an event and a man, a metal-works vendor, was curious about the “faith-based” nature of our collection.  The conversation that followed left me feeling shell-shocked.  I walked away convinced more than ever that A Gentle Spirit Really Does Matter.


Harold asked me, “What do you say about the animals Noah took into the ark”?  I told him that I simply say, “Noah led many animals into the ark.”  Harold was frustrated that I didn’t accurately explain the difference in Genesis 6 and 7 and the 2, male and female, versus the 7 pairs of animals.

I tried to explain that I retold the story of Noah in 78 words for children ages 4-6.  I shared that I worded our stories, laboring over every word, to make them 1) scripturally sound while being 2) readable and comprehensible by young children.

He wasn’t satisfied.  He pointed his finger in my face and quite literally growled his disgust.  He went on to question me about several other sections of scripture, and argued that simplifying The Word for children was unacceptable.

I knew arguing with him was futile.  I let him “school me” for several minutes before excusing myself for a quick coffee break.

I’m grateful for the peace and calm The Holy Spirit wrapped me in for that conversation.  Harold came back several times over the course of the 2 day event and I (only by the grace of God) was able to visit with him with a smile on my face (though I never let the topic of conversation move beyond the weather and the goodies in the vendor’s lounge).

My encounter with Harold has given me much to think about.

There is certainly a rub for believers.  We know that we are to speak Truth.  We know that we are not to be lukewarm in the gospel or in our walk with God, but an old adage comes to mind that also rings true.  No one cares how much you know ‘til they know how much you care.

I’ve walked away with a simple thought, “Lord, forgive me if I’ve ever used Your Holy Word as a battering tool to “prove” myself superior in my understanding of scripture.  If I’ve ever hurt someone in that way, and have carelessly blemished Your name, move in a mighty way to right my wrong.”

Galatians 5:23 – Gentleness and self-control.  Against such things there is no law.

Ephesians 4:2 – Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.

Philippians 4:5 – Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.

Colossians 3:12 – Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.

Before you leave the site, follow my blog (top, right of this post).  It’s quick and easy! 

For more from Marea, check out Me and Thee Studios’ faith based leveled readers for 1st-2nd graders at