Category Archives: Family

Being Prepared Really Does Matter

My husband Franklin and I were able to get away this past weekend.  We love the quiet of a cabin and El Porvenier Christian Camp in the Santa Fe National Forest was the perfect destination.

Unbeknownst to me, Franklin was excited to finally hike Hermit’s Peak.  He’s thought about this hike for 2 years and, coincidentally, the trail head is just a mile from the cabin he booked.  Franklin is often at El Porvenier as a sponsor for groups from our church, but Hermit’s Peak is not a group hike for campers during the summer.  There’s a reason.

Getting Close!

Getting Close!

On Saturday he suggested we hike to Bear’s Cave.  A 4 ½ mile round trip hike, Franklin wooed me with a beautiful trail, very little incline, several wooden bridges, beautiful fall leaves, and fantastic, easy conversation.  We had a great day and he suggested the same schedule for Sunday.  A hike in the morning (“maybe Hermit’s Peak”), a movie in the afternoon, reading and guitar in between.  It sounded lovely.

At 9:00 Sunday morning we stopped by the camp’s cafeteria.  Franklin wanted some clarification on the trail.  I should have asked some clarifying questions of my own when Nate, the camp manager, asked if we needed to borrow some flashlights.

As we started down the trail, I asked for clarification on the distance to Hermit’s Peak.  I was expecting 3 miles, but Franklin confessed that Nate had mentioned it being 4.2 miles to the summit.  Red flag #2.

At about 3 ½ miles my left knee began to hurt.  I’ve never had knee problems but the trail looked like a river bed full of 6-12 inch rocks.  Navigating the craggy incline was difficult.  Red flag #3.  I should have turned around, but I’ve never been one to let a little pain ruin a beautiful day and Hermit’s Peak was just a mile (or so) ahead.

I didn’t think through necessary preparations that morning.  That’s really not like me but I was embracing spontaneity.  As I reflect, it’s obvious that Being Prepared Really Does Matter.

A few things are a necessity for a big day hike:

  1. Plenty of water (do the math, don’t assume)
  2. Band-Aids (apply them the moment you feel a blister)
  3. Sunscreen (even in November)
  4. Chap-stick (especially when water is scarce and you don’t have sunscreen)
  5. Snacks (Nate’s wife sent us with 2 pumpkin scones and bacon (yes, bacon) which we scarfed at the summit. It was truly a highlight of my day.)
  6. A walking stick (especially with craggy terrain)
  7. Toilet paper (no need to explain)
  8. Snug jeans (chaffing is no laughing matter, my friends)
  9. Wool socks (especially if you’re not going to take Band-Aids)
  10. An inflatable sled (not gonna lie… I fixated on a Plan B to get off the mountain if my knee were to totally blow)

We hiked 11.6 miles (272 flights of stairs according to my Fitbit) to the tippy-top of Hermit’s Peak.  It was breathtaking.  I’ve been sore the last 2 days but no real damage to my knee.  I’m not sure I’ll hike Hermit’s again anytime soon but ’m grateful for the time and the memories with my Mr.

Change Really Does Matter

I was visiting with someone not long ago about church décor.  She was lamenting that painted walls show scuffs and wall hangings are never quite straight.  She clearly communicated her preference for paneling and limited decor.  I love this woman and she’s certainly entitled to her opinion; however, I’m grateful that the leadership at our church has embraced change because Change Really Does Matter.

Painted paneling before (2)

Now, don’t get me wrong.  I’m often a champion of the adage, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”  I do find that I sometimes create work for myself, reinventing the wheel when the existing wheel is effective and efficient.  That being said, I’m a fan (and I think most of my friends under the age of 60) are fans of updating and freshening-up stale, dated spaces.

Our conversation led me to ponder change in general.

Our family has undergone considerable change the last several years:

  • A change in careers for both my husband and I was a step of obedience for us.  We truly believe The Lord led us to new opportunities to serve.
  • Franklin and I made a move in our housing situation in July, purchasing a fixer-upper, to eliminate debt.  Suffice it to say, the renovations have challenged us and we’re looking forward to completing them over the course of the next year.
  • And finally, we’ve chosen to home school our children.  Homeschooling makes for busy days and very little alone time but we know our children better now and have been able to speak into their lives in very significant ways.

Our housing, career, and schooling changes were situations we pondered, prayed about, and ultimately chose for ourselves; but change is often not a choice.  It is often unexpected, unwelcomed, and untimely.

I’ve also been wrestling with the idea of growth in the midst of change.

Truly, the rub that change produces in our lives often results in Spiritual growth.  While we might embrace change (and embrace the resultant growth), there are certainly times when change hurts.  We’d rather not have to walk through the pain and we’d certainly argue that the resultant “growth” was not necessary.

And if you’re like me, pride factors into the change/growth scenario.

I recently found myself in a sad spot, focusing on perceived wrongs I’d suffered.  In no uncertain terms The Lord was (is) calling me to change my heart, regardless of every other variable in the situation.  He seeks to change my heart because He intends to continue growing me in my understanding of His ways, His truth, and The Life He offers.  He’s calling me to change and He’s calling me to continued growth because, “He’s not finished with me yet.”

Lord, help us embrace change as an opportunity to grow in our understanding of who You are and who You intend us to be.  Mold us to make us more like You and use us as You will to share Your love and light.  Amen

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