Category Archives: Faith

Change Really Does Matter

I was visiting with someone not long ago about church décor.  She was lamenting that painted walls show scuffs and wall hangings are never quite straight.  She clearly communicated her preference for paneling and limited decor.  I love this woman and she’s certainly entitled to her opinion; however, I’m grateful that the leadership at our church has embraced change because Change Really Does Matter.

Painted paneling before (2)

Now, don’t get me wrong.  I’m often a champion of the adage, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”  I do find that I sometimes create work for myself, reinventing the wheel when the existing wheel is effective and efficient.  That being said, I’m a fan (and I think most of my friends under the age of 60) are fans of updating and freshening-up stale, dated spaces.

Our conversation led me to ponder change in general.

Our family has undergone considerable change the last several years:

  • A change in careers for both my husband and I was a step of obedience for us.  We truly believe The Lord led us to new opportunities to serve.
  • Franklin and I made a move in our housing situation in July, purchasing a fixer-upper, to eliminate debt.  Suffice it to say, the renovations have challenged us and we’re looking forward to completing them over the course of the next year.
  • And finally, we’ve chosen to home school our children.  Homeschooling makes for busy days and very little alone time but we know our children better now and have been able to speak into their lives in very significant ways.

Our housing, career, and schooling changes were situations we pondered, prayed about, and ultimately chose for ourselves; but change is often not a choice.  It is often unexpected, unwelcomed, and untimely.

I’ve also been wrestling with the idea of growth in the midst of change.

Truly, the rub that change produces in our lives often results in Spiritual growth.  While we might embrace change (and embrace the resultant growth), there are certainly times when change hurts.  We’d rather not have to walk through the pain and we’d certainly argue that the resultant “growth” was not necessary.

And if you’re like me, pride factors into the change/growth scenario.

I recently found myself in a sad spot, focusing on perceived wrongs I’d suffered.  In no uncertain terms The Lord was (is) calling me to change my heart, regardless of every other variable in the situation.  He seeks to change my heart because He intends to continue growing me in my understanding of His ways, His truth, and The Life He offers.  He’s calling me to change and He’s calling me to continued growth because, “He’s not finished with me yet.”

Lord, help us embrace change as an opportunity to grow in our understanding of who You are and who You intend us to be.  Mold us to make us more like You and use us as You will to share Your love and light.  Amen

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For more from Marea, check out Me and Thee Studios’ faith based leveled readers for 1st-2nd graders at

Light Really Does Matter

When we moved into our fixer-upper in July we decided to systematically tackle our renovations one room at a time.  Initially we unpacked the bare necessities.  We didn’t worry with decorating, knowing we would eventually get to each room and make it our own.   However, it wasn’t long until I realized that, regardless of our initial plans, new curtains were a must.

The previous owners had left their window-coverings and while the colors were not what I would have chosen for myself they did their job in keeping our personal life private.  I hadn’t thought twice about them until I noticed how dreary our house felt and how blue I felt as a result.  It truly was amazing what $30 in white Wal-Mart sheers did for our home and my emotional health.  I’ve thought about those curtains over and again from many months because Light Really Does Matter.

white sheers

Light and darkness in the physical certainly begs that we also consider light and darkness in the spiritual.  In the Bible John (John 1) describes Jesus as Life and The Light to live by.  While He came as a human into darkness (this world) He was in no way influenced by the dark.  He was and is (as Divinity) the absence of darkness in the world and is our refuge.

I was truly grateful for light this past week when my family experienced our first blizzard.  Not only were we unable to see much past our windows but the sunshine we’re so use to was absent.  Without the sun, cold and confusion were certainly forces to be reckoned with.

I’ve certainly been challenged with situations in my life (and find that I face them often) where cold and confusion have set in.  It often enters quietly, through a cracked window or a door left ajar, and it creeps along, unnoticed, until I finally notice frostbite.  But Jesus, as Life and The Light in the darkness, offers an answer.

In honor of our blizzard I read Laura Ingalls Wilder’s The Long Winter.  It’s hard to imagine life in 1881’s Dakota Territory with 4 day blizzards, one right after another for months on end.  Even more difficult to imagine would be lighting the evening lamp only in emergencies, rationing kerosene, knowing the supply train would not run again for months.  How precious light would have been and how precious Jesus, The Light of our world, truly is.

When I walk with The Lord, relying on Him as The Light, I avoid stumbling.  The confusion I feel in the darkness abates and the cold of despair thaws.  My thoughts are clear, joy is restored and my hope is renewed.   Join me as we shake off the cold and confusion and look to The Lord as our Light in the darkness this year.  Happy 2016!

Before you leave the site, follow my blog (top, right of this post).  It’s quick and easy! 

For more from Marea, check out Me and Thee Studios’ faith based leveled readers for 1st-2nd graders at